Knowledge Exchange by ISID

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Emergence of Chikungunya: Distribution and Vector Ecology
This webinar was hosted on Tuesday, the 13th of December 2022 at 9:00 - 10:00 am EST.

Chair: Helena Maltezou
Co-Chair: Laura Talarico

  • Alfonso Rodriguez-Morales
  • Nicola Petrosillo
  • Kenneth Linthicum
This webinar is supported by an unrestricted medical education grant from Valneva.

Webinar Outline:
Chikungunya is a mosquito borne viral disease caused by the Chikungunya virus (CHIKV), a Togaviridae virus, and is transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes. Clinical symptoms include acute onset of fever, debilitating joint and muscle pain, headache, nausea, and rash, potentially developing into long-term serious health impairments. Chikungunya virus causes clinical illness in 72 – 92% of infected human around 4 to 7 days after an infected mosquito bite. Complications resulting from the disease include visual, neurological, heart and gastrointestinal manifestations; fatalities have been reported in elderly people at higher risk.
Chikungunya outbreaks have been reported in Asia, Africa, the Americas and recently in Europe. Both the medical and economic burden are expected to grow as the CHIKV primary mosquito vectors continue their geographic spread Although there are some candidate vaccines in clinical trials none are licensed. Therefore, chikungunya shall remain a major public health threat.

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Emergence of Chikungunya: Distribution and Vector Ecology
Chair(s): Helena Maltezou,  
Helena Maltezou
Laura Talarico
Laura Talarico
Speaker(s): Alfonso Rodriguez-Morales,  
Alfonso Rodriguez-Morales
Fundación Universitaria Autónoma de las Américas, Pereira, Risaralda, Colombia
Nicola Petrosillo,  
Nicola Petrosillo
Kenneth Linthicum
Kenneth Linthicum
Knowledge Exchange. Presenters F. 12/13/2022; 374707;
all-in-one page photo
Helena Maltezou
all-in-one page photo
Laura Talarico
all-in-one page photo
Alfonso Rodriguez-Morales
Fundación Universitaria Autónoma de las Américas, Pereira, Risaralda, Colombia
all-in-one page photo
Nicola Petrosillo
all-in-one page photo
Kenneth Linthicum
About this activity
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Emergence of Chikungunya: Distribution and Vector Ecology
This webinar was hosted on Tuesday, the 13th of December 2022 at 9:00 - 10:00 am EST.

Chair: Helena Maltezou
Co-Chair: Laura Talarico

  • Alfonso Rodriguez-Morales
  • Nicola Petrosillo
  • Kenneth Linthicum
This webinar is supported by an unrestricted medical education grant from Valneva.

Webinar Outline:
Chikungunya is a mosquito borne viral disease caused by the Chikungunya virus (CHIKV), a Togaviridae virus, and is transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes. Clinical symptoms include acute onset of fever, debilitating joint and muscle pain, headache, nausea, and rash, potentially developing into long-term serious health impairments. Chikungunya virus causes clinical illness in 72 – 92% of infected human around 4 to 7 days after an infected mosquito bite. Complications resulting from the disease include visual, neurological, heart and gastrointestinal manifestations; fatalities have been reported in elderly people at higher risk.
Chikungunya outbreaks have been reported in Asia, Africa, the Americas and recently in Europe. Both the medical and economic burden are expected to grow as the CHIKV primary mosquito vectors continue their geographic spread Although there are some candidate vaccines in clinical trials none are licensed. Therefore, chikungunya shall remain a major public health threat.

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